About Us

We created this site because we want you to know what is happening at our Community.  After all, you likely moved here in part because of the over 100 clubs and groups.

Unfortunately, unless you are a member of a club, our Fun City activities can be difficult to find.  Even though you can login to the website and look the room calendars, or check the magazine, up until now there wasn't a very easy way of finding out what exactly is happening today, this week, or this month. Personally I find the calendar on the official website difficult to read, and it's impossible to read on my phone.

I wanted a place where I could easily find out what's going on, without having to login.  On my computer, I can't see the last few activities in a given day on the official calendar.  We've also found that it's pretty difficult to read, and there are no descriptions.

And not only that, but as of January 2020 the management company started limiting clubs to advertising in the club newsletter to only four times a year. So we thought we'd create a place where our residents can easily find out what's going on inside our gates.

If you have the same issues that we've had, then we hope this site is easier for you to use than the official website. We hope it's easier for you to read.  We are reaching out to the clubs to see if they would like to use this platform to let our residents know what is going on.  In the meantime, we've done our best adding the recurring events to the calendar.  It's currently populated until the year 2022.  That should give us enough time to figure out what needs to be changed.

I'm a resident here too.  My intent is to keep this site free.  But if it becomes to expensive for me to run, I'll figure it out.  In the meantime, I want you to know that I've spent several days doing full time typing to get everything in here.  There are likely some errors, so be patient with me.  I'm hoping that in the future, the clubs will update their own events.  Some events are free and others are paid.  If it didn't specify in the magazine, neither did I.

And honestly, and the end I basically indicated for you to check the magazine for more information.  We didn't include the club officer's information here, because frankly, we didn't want to put anyone's contact information on the internet.  We want to make this site easy to access for those of us who are internet challenged.

I'm also working on creating both Apple and Android apps so you can keep these on your phone.  However, it costs money to create and submit these to the various “stores”, so right now you can create a “bookmark” and store this site on your phone that way.  I'm sure the computer club can help you do that if you are a member.

I believe that having the activities in a more accessible format will help with recruitment into the various clubs and groups.  I also believe that it will make living here a lot more fun.

If you know of a Club President or Social Director who would like their club activities on this website, we are always looking for people who can help us fill up the calendar!

Have them reach out to me.  I'm in the book.

-Kathe Kline

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