Contact the SCHH Friendly Neighborhood Admin

If you need to contact the Admin, or have an issue with another member of the SCHH Friendly Neighborhood Group, you can use the form below.

Please note that if you want to report a particular post, you can do so by using these instructions:

Please do not report posts using the form below.

The form is used for reporting people for violating rules such as:

  1.  They do not live in Sun City Hilton Head.  Either they never lived here, have moved, or whatever, but you have knowledge that they don't live here.
  2. They are sharing information outside the group.  We take this very seriously.  If you have proof of this, use the form to let us know.

You can also use the form to let us know that you are interested in helping out.

Thank you!

Click the link below to begin.

Open Form



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