I'm so excited that we got our first contributor to the event calendar!  It was great to help this individual.  Actually, she didn't need a lot of help, because she added the initial content without any instructions!  This person is obviously more technically inclined than most.

There were a few glitches, such as adding private info to the site, which of course, we don't want to do, and she was a little confused why she couldn't add a venue.

In case your wondering, the reason I don't want everyone to be able to add venues is simple.  With over a hundred clubs and groups, I'm concerned that someone will add a private home to the venue list.  And we are very concerned about privacy here.

So that's why I'm limiting the venue creation to admins only.

Oh, and as I'm writing this, I got another request from someone wanting to keep their club activities up to date!  I'm really looking forward to seeing what this site can become.  Thanks for coming along with me.

I know that with your help, we can all make this place a little better.

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